This post is really outdated ;)

Thruk is a great piece of software from Sven Nierlein providing a replacement for the old nagios CGIs. If you don’t know about it, just go to the homepage.

I prefer to use lighttpd rather than apache, so i tried to find some docs but nothing very useful.

I found some useful ones on Catalyst wiki. So, let’s applying it to our case.

My server runs Debian GNU/Linux 6.0. It will works on other UN*X using perl/thruk/lightty but some support scripts need rewriting (ie. lightty conffiles in Debian are in a specfic tree, etc…)

From Catalyst wiki

Lightty Config

Enable fastgi support w/ command lighttpd-enable-mod fastcgi

Create a /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/90-thruk.conf config file w/ the following

$HTTP["host"] =~ "^" {
    fastcgi.server = (
        "" => (  # the extension is emty because we want to match on any extension
            "myserver1" => (
                "host" => "",
                "port" => 55901,
                "check-local" => "disable"

For those who prefer to use it throught a simple directory instead of a virtualhost, another lighttpd config follows :

$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/thruk/" {
     fastcgi.server = (
         "" => (  # the extension is emty because we want to match on any extension
             "myserver1" => (
                  "host" => "",
                  "port" => 55901,
                  "check-local" => "disable"

reload lightty, you should have a 503 Error on (or http:///thruk/ depending on the choosen configuration)

now, let’s test the fastcgi interface using this in Thruk home

script/ --listen --keeperr

Refresh your URL, you should see the thruk interface running.

to have you fastcgi daemon active, you should have a init.d script like the following


# APP_NAME is the Catalyst-normalized name of your app (lowercased, s/::/_/g)
# i.e. the portion before "" in scripts/*


case $1 in
        echo -n "Starting $APP_NAME (${APP_NAME}"
        cd $APP_PATH
        script/${APP_NAME} --listen $FCGI_TCP_CONNECTION --pidfile $PID_PATH --keeperr 2>>$APP_PATH/log/error.log &

        if [ -r $PID_PATH ]; then
            echo " $APP_NAME already running"
            exit 0

        # Wait for the app to start
        TIMEOUT=10; while [ ! -r $PID_PATH ]; do
            echo -n '.'; sleep 1; TIMEOUT=$((TIMEOUT - 1))
            if [ $TIMEOUT = 0 ]; then
                echo " ERROR: TIMED OUT"; exit 0
        echo " started."

        echo -n "Stopping $APP_NAME: "
        if [ -r $PID_PATH ]; then
            PID=`cat $PID_PATH`
            echo -n "killing $PID... "; kill $PID
            echo -n "OK. Waiting for the FastCGI server to release the port..."
            while netstat -tnl | grep -q $FCGI_TCP_CONNECTION; do
                echo -n "."; sleep 1; TIMEOUT=$((TIMEOUT - 1))
                if [ $TIMEOUT = 0 ]; then
                     echo " ERROR: TIMED OUT"; exit 0
            echo " OK."

            echo "$APP_NAME not running."

        $0 stop
        echo -n "A necessary sleep... "; sleep 2; echo "done."
        $0 start

        echo "Usage: $0 { stop | start | restart }"
         exit 1

Note that the original script from Catalyst wiki have a bug on line 42 (duplicate then statement)

Don’t forget to update the APP_PATH var.

don’t forget to mkdir APP_PATH/log/

I’ve put this script on script/ and linked it to /etc/init.d/thruk

use update-rc.d thruk defaults 80 20 to autostart it on boot, and enjoy you Thunk w/ Lighttpd ;)

PS : Yes, ii know ;) insserv: warning: script 'thruk' missing LSB tags and overrides